Is Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Prostate Cancer?
If you suspect erectile dysfunction, you should see a doctor immediately. Sexual dysfunction and overall stress are only two problems this condition can bring on for men. And other guys experience ED because of a medical condition.
However, the most common reason for erectile dysfunction is thought to be psychological. Erectile dysfunction can also be brought on by medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney illness, multiple sclerosis, and vascular disease. Alcoholism and specific therapies for prostate cancer are both associated with erectile dysfunction.
Prostrate Therapy
Radiation therapy for prostate cancer in males can cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction and damage to erectile tissues may be induced, but these effects are usually very transitory. So there’s a chance it won’t show up until long after treatment.
Erectile dysfunction has also been linked to the hormone therapy medications goserelin and flutamide.
Prostatitis is a benign prostate enlargement that can lead to erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems. Both finasteride and alfuzosin, commonly used to treat BPH, have been linked to erectile dysfunction in some men.
Since alpha-blockers stop the body from making testosterone, they also increase the risk of adverse effects like erectile dysfunction. To treat erectile dysfunction, men inject alprostadil directly into a vein. The drug schedule, including dosage, timing, and frequency, is tailored to each patient’s needs and preferences. For patients who cannot take injections, doctors may prescribe pellets or mechanical devices for use at home. But, again, it is unlikely that either party will feel any pain or discomfort from the injections.
Additional Therapeutic Choices for Men
Vacuum pumps are an additional therapeutic choice for men with erectile dysfunction. These pumps can be operated by either human muscle or a battery. They work because they squeeze out excess air and increase blood flow to the penis. Guys who have trouble getting or maintaining an erection can benefit from these devices.
Penile implants are a frequent method used by doctors to treat erectile dysfunction. First, the corpora cavernosa may be partially cut, and rods may be inserted into the penile bed as a treatment. The next step involves a pump delivering fluid through the catheters into the patient’s lower abdomen. Although it is not guaranteed, some men may experience orgasm after the operation.
The root of the problem of erectile dysfunction is still poorly understood. However, a lack of oxygen-rich circulation to the penis might make the muscle cells stiffer. Additionally, the cells change into scar tissue due to the lack of oxygen, which limits their ability to enlarge when blood is pumped into them.